In your Home, at your Business or drop it off
Do you have a Virus, Malware or Spyware? Do you know for sure? We will clean your computer to bring back the performance you need.
Laptop Repair
Broken laptop screens, hard drives, keyboards and Software repair.
Internet Connection
No Internet? Your Internet service provider (ISP) has told you the problem is not with there system. We will get the problem repaired for you.
Network Setup
Wireless networking problems? Wired Networking problem? Network printing problem? File sharing problem? We will fix that no problem.
Printer Installation
If you purchased that new printer and need help getting all of your devices to print to it? We can help.
Has your printer stopped working? We have been repairing printers from all manufactures for over 20 years.
Computer Upgrade
We can install more memory a larger hard drive and a faster video card to get the performance you need.
Server Installation
Do you need a new Server? We will help you buy the right server for your business.
We do server setup and data transfer.
QuickBooks Networking problems? Ripon Technology will get things working for you.